Carte géologique de reconnaissance de l'A.O.F. Feuille no. NF.28 S.O.-O.122, Port-Etienne-o[uest] [cartographic material]. / dressé, dessiné, imprimé et publié par la Direction des mines de l'A.O.F
Scale 1:500,000 (W 18°00ʹ--W 16°30ʹ/N 22°00ʹ--N 20°00ʹ).
Relief shown by hachures. Series has sheet numbering system based on fractions of sheets of the International map of the world, 1:1,000,000. Includes diagram of geologic responsiblity. Accompanying guide not examined. Series part of a cooperative project by the governments of French Africa. EMSL copy inserted in envelope (34 x 26 cm.).