Rockslides and avalanches / by Barry Voight, editor
- Published
- Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1978-1979.
New York : Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier North Holland. - Physical Description
- 2 volumes : illustrations ; 25 cm.
- Additional Creators
- Voight, Barry
- Series
- Contents
- Vol. 1. NATURAL PHENOMENA: Rockslides and avalanches: an introduction / B. Voight and W. G. Pariseau -- Albert Heim: Observations on landslides and relevance to modern interpretations / K. J. Hsii -- Frank rockslide, Alberta, Canada / D. M. Cruden and J. Krahn -- Lower Gros Ventre slide, Wyoming, U.S.A. / B. Voight -- Madison Canyon rockslide, Montana, U.S.A. / J. B. Hadley -- Little Tahoma Peak rockfalls and avalanches, Mount Rainier, Washington, U.S.A. / R. K. Fahnestock -- Sherman Glacier rock avalanche, Alaska, U.S.A. / M. J. McSaveney -- Hope rockslides, British Columbia, Canada / W. H. Mathews and K. C. McTaggart -- Nevados Huascaran avalanches, Peru / G. Plafker and G. E. Ericksen -- Mayunmarca rockslide and debris flow, Peru / E. Kojan and J. N. Hutchinson -- Downie slide, Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada / D. R. Piteau et al. -- Bearpaw Mountains rockslide, Montana, U.S.A. / P. R. Gucwa and R. O. Kehle -- Heart Mountain fault and Absaroka volcanism, Wyoming and Montana, U.S.A. / H. J. Prostka -- Dakota Group rocks/ides, northern Front Range, Colorado, U.S.A. / W. A. Braddock -- Blackhawk landslide, California, U.S.A. / B. Johnson -- Transported rocks of the Taconide zone, eastern North America / B. Voight and W. M. Cady -- Submarine slides / D. G. Moore -- Gravitational creep of rock masses on slopes / D. H. Radbruch-Hall -- Incremental movement of a rockslide / R. F. Scott -- Simulation of slope creep / J. J. Emery Scale-dependent rockslide mechanisms, with emphasis on the role of pore fluid vaporization / J. Goguel -- Role of gravity in plate tectonics / W. R. Jacoby -- Failure of snow slopes / R. I. Perla -- Dynamics of snow avalanches / M. Mellor -- Mechanics of glacier movement / C. F. Raymond. and Vol. 2. ENGINEERING SITES: Josef Stini: Contributions to engineering geology and slope movement investigations / L. Miiller -- Karl Terzaghi on rockslides: The perspective of a half-century / R. D. Terzaghi and B. Voight -- Laurits Bjerrum: Contributions to mechanics of rockslides / R. B. Peck -- Slides in Gaillard Cut, Panama Canal Zone / R. J. Lutton, D. C. Banks and W. E. Strohm -- Rock slope movements with hydroelectric power projects, Mexico / R. Sanchez-Trejo and L. Espinosa -- Bighorn Reservoir slides, Montana, U.S.A. / H. K. Dupree, G. J. Taucher and B. Voight -- Rock avalanche and wave at Chungar, Peru / G. Plafker and V. R. Eyzaguirre -- Wedge rockslides, Libby Dam and Lake Koocanusa, Montana / B. Voight -- Occurrences, properties, and predictive models of landslide-generated water waves / R. L. Slingerland and B. Voight -- Paracti rockslide, Bolivia / G. F. Sowers and B. R. Carter -- Landslides of Brazil / A. J. Da Costa Nunes et al. -- Slope stability in the Appalachian Plateau, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, U.S.A. / R. E. Gray, H. F. Ferguson and J. V. Hamel -- Loveland Basin slide, Colorado, U.S.A. / F. T. Lee and W. Mystkowski -- Landslides in argillaceous rock, Prairie Provinces, Canada / S. Thomson and N. R. Morgenstern -- Rock slope failure at Hell's Gate, British Columbia, Canada / D. R. Piteau et al. -- Acoustic emission techniques applied to slope stability problems / R. M. Stateham and R. H. Merrill -- Slope failure of 1967-1969, Chuquicamata Jfine, Chile / B. Voight and B. A. Kennedy -- Pima Mine slope failure, Arizona, U.S.A. / J. V. Hamel -- Twin Buttes pit slope failure, Arizona, U.S.A. / B. L. Seegmiller -- Pit slope performance in shale, Wyoming, U.S.A. / G. W. Clough, L. J. West and L. T. Murdock -- Hogarth pit slope failure, Ontario, Canada / C. O. Brawner and P. F. Stacey -- Canadian experience in simulating pit slopes by the finite element method / Y. S. Yu and D. F. Coates.
- Subject(s)
- 0444415076 (v. 1)
0444415084 (v. 2) - Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographies and indexes.
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