To all people to whom these presents shall come: Greeting. : Know ye, that [blank] for the consideration of [blank] received to [blank] full satisfaction of [blank] do give, grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said [blank] To have and to hold, the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof unto [blank] the said [blank] heirs and assigns forever, to [blank] and their own proper use and behoof. ... In witness whereof [blank] have hereunto set [blank] hand and seal the [blank] day of [blank] anno Domini 17[blank] Signed, sealed and delivered, in the presence of [blank] [blank] ss [blank] Personally appeared [blank] signer and sealer of the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same to be h[blank] free act and deed, before me [blank].
- Published
- [Connecticut] : [publisher not identified], [not after 1794]
- Physical Description
- 1 sheet (1 unnumbered page) ; 34 x 21 cm
- Additional Creators
- Cobb, William, active 18th century, Robinson, Eber, Shepherd, Benoni, Whittelsey, Sally, Whittelsey, Samuel, and Zinman, Michael
Access Online
- Series
- Subject(s)
- Genre(s)
- Note
- A blank deed form.
In text, "Know ye, that" is in italic type.
Not in Evans or Bristol.
Library Company copy from the Michael Zinman Collection of Early American Imprints.
Library Company copy completed in MS. for Eber Robinson of Tolland, Conn., to convey property in Tolland to William Cobb, also of Tolland; dated Sept. 4, 1794, and signed by Eber Robinson; witnessed by Saml. Whittelsey and Sally Whittelsey; notarized Sept. 4, 1794 by Saml. Whittelsey, justice of the peace; with a MS. docket title; MS. note on verso: March 17th AD 1795 Recd. this deed for record and is recorded in Tolland Ninth Book pa (87) Benoni Shepherd regstr.
NEH-Readex: not in Readex; not at AAS.
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