Research in computational molecular biology [electronic resource] : 14th annual international conference, RECOMB 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, April 25-28, 2010 : proceedings / Bonnie Berger (ed.).
- Conference Author
- RECOMB (Conference : 2005- ) (14th : 2010 : Lisbon, Portugal)
- Published
- Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2010]
- Copyright Date
- ©2010
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (xvi, 582 pages) : illustrations (some color)
- Additional Creators
- Berger, Bonnie Anne
Access Online
- SpringerLink:
- Series
- Contents
- An algorithmic framework for predicting side-effects of drugs / Nir Atias and Roded Sharan -- SubMAP : aligning metabolic pathways with subnetwork mappings / Ferhat Ay and Tamer Kahveci -- Admixture aberration analysis : application to mapping in admixed population using pooled DNA / Sivan Bercovici and Dan Geiger -- Pathway-based functional analysis of metagenomes / Sivan Bercovici, Itai Sharon, Ron Y. Pinter, and Tomer Shlomi -- Hierarchical generative biclustering for microRNA expression analysis / José Caldas and Samuel Kaski -- Subnetwork state functions define dysregulated subnetworks in cancer / Salim A. Chowdhury, Rod K. Nibbe, Mark R. Chance, and Mehmet Koyutürk -- Proteome coverage prediction for integrated proteomics datasets / Manfred Claassen, Ruedi Aebersold, and Joachim M. Buhmann -- Discovering regulatory overlapping RNA transcripts / Timothy Danford, Robin Dowell, Sudeep Agarwala, Paula Grisafi, Gerald Fink, and David Gifford -- Alignment-free phylogenetic reconstruction / Constantinos Daskalakis and Sebastien Roch -- Inference of isoforms from short sequence reads (extended abstract) / Jianxing Feng, Wei Li, and Tao Jiang -- The Clark phase-able sample size problem : long-range phasing and loss of heterozygosity in GWAS / Bjarni V. Halldórsson, Derek Aguiar, Ryan Tarpine, and Sorin Istrail -- A new algorithm for improving the resolution of cryo-EM density maps / Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Michael Habeck -- Towards automated structure-based NMR resonance assignment / Richard Jang, Xin Gao, and Ming Li -- Gapped spectral dictionaries and their applications for database searches of tandem mass spectra / Kyowon Jeong, Sangtae Kim, Nuno Bandeira, and Pavel A. Pevzner -- naiveBayesCall : an efficient model-based base-calling algorithm for high-throughput sequencing / Wei-Chun Kao and Yun S. Song -- Extracting between-pathway models from E-MAP interactions using expected graph compression / David R. Kelley and Carl Kingsford -- Simultaneous identification of causal genes and dys-regulated pathways in complex diseases / Yoo-Ah Kim, Stefan Wuchty, and Teresa M. Przytycka -- Incremental signaling pathway modeling by data integration / Geoffrey Koh, David Hsu, and P.S. Thiagarajan -- The Poisson margin test for normalisation free significance analysis of NGS data / Adam Kowalczyk, Justin Bedo, Thomas Conway, and Bryan Beresford-Smith -- Compressing genomic sequence fragments using SlimGene / Christos Kozanitis, Chris Saunders, Semyon Kruglyak, Vineet Bafna, and George Varghese -- On the genealogy of asexual diploids / Fumei Lam, Charles H. Langley, and Yun S. Song -- Genovo : de novo assembly for metagenomes / Jonathan Laserson, Vladimir Jojic, and Daphne Koller -- MoGUL : detecting common insertions and deletions in a population / Seunghak Lee, Eric Xing, and Michael Brudno -- Generalized Buneman pruning for inferring the most parsimonious multi-state phylogeny / Navodit Misra, Guy Blelloch, R. Ravi, and Russell Schwartz -- Seed design framework for mapping SOLiD reads / Laurent Noé, Marta Gîrdea, and Gregory Kucherov -- Accurate estimation of expression levels of homologous genes in RNA-seq experiments / Bogdan Paşaniuc, Noah Zaitlen, and Eran Halperin -- Cactus graphs for genome comparisons / Benedict Paten, Mark Diekhans, Dent Earl, John St. John, Jian Ma, Bernard Suh, and David Haussler -- IDBA : a practical iterative de Bruijn graph de novo assembler / Yu Peng, Henry C.M. Leung, S.M. Yiu, and Francis Y.L. Chin -- Predicting nucleosome positioning using multiple evidence tracks / Sheila M. Reynolds, Zhiping Weng, Jeff A. Bilmes, and William Stafford Noble -- Dense subgraphs with restrictions and applications to gene annotation graphs / Barna Saha, Allison Hoch, Samir Khuller, Louiqa Raschid, and Xiao-Ning Zhang -- Time and space efficient RNA-RNA interaction prediction via sparse folding / Raheleh Salari, Mathias Möhl, Sebastian Will, S. Cenk Sahinalp, and Rolf Backofen -- HLA type inference via haplotypes identical by descent / Manu N. Setty, Alexander Gusev, and Itsik Pe'er -- Algorithms for detecting significantly mutated pathways in cancer / Fabio Vandin, Eli Upfal, and Benjamin J. Raphael -- Leveraging sequence classification by taxonomy-based multitask learning / Christian Widmer, Jose Leiva, Yasemin Altun, and Gunnar Rätsch -- A novel abundance-based algorithm for binning metagenomic sequences using l-tuples / Yu-Wei Wu and Yuzhen Ye -- A Markov random field framework for protein side-chain resonance assignment / Jianyang Zeng, Pei Zhou, and Bruce Randall Donald -- Genomic DNA k-mer spectra : models and modalities (abstract) / Benny Chor, David Horn, Nick Goldman, Yaron Levy, and Tim Massingham -- Deciphering the swine-flu pandemics of 1918 and 2009 (abstract) / Richard Goldstein, Mario dos Reis, Asif Tamuri, and Alan Hay -- Distinguishing direct versus indirect transcription factor-DNA interactions (abstract) / Raluca Gordân, Alexander J. Hartemink, and Martha L. Bulyk -- A self-regulatory system of interlinked signaling feedback loops controls mouse limb patterning (abstract) / Jean-Denis Benazet, Mirko Bischofberger, Eva Tiecke, Alexandre Gonalves, James F. Martin, Aime Zuniga, Felix Naef, and Rolf Zeller -- Automated high-dimensional flow cytometric data analysis (abstract) / Saumyadipta Pyne, Xinli Hu, Kui Wang, Elizabeth Rossin, Tsung-I Lin, Lisa Maier, Clare Baecher-Allan, Geoffrey McLachlan, Pablo Tamayo, David Hafler, Philip De Jager, and Jill Mesirov -- Discovering transcriptional modules by combined analysis of expression profiles and regulatory sequences (abstract) / Yonit Halperin, Chaim Linhart, Igor Ulitsky, and Ron Shamir.
- Subject(s)
- 9783642126826 (softcover : alk. paper)
3642126820 (softcover : alk. paper)
3642126839 - Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
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